Welcome to Day 1,466.

Today is lighter than yesterday for site news, so let's begin.

First up in While & After news, there are two items via the bullet points below:

  • Part 1 of "Sealing" Up An Idea has been added to the Tats What's Up! calendar
  • A wording update/addition/correction has been applied to the Tats What's Up! page

Bloopers has updated, as has its manual counter.

And finally in Land Of Infusion news, the following updates have occurred:

  • The Hero was claimed off waivers, traded to The Tentative Roster page for In The Army Now, the latter of which has claimed the 1,503rd fully guaranteed Two ThouCentennial spot, whereas the former has subsequently been placed on The Farm Squad a.k.a. Section Two
  • Julie & Julia was claimed off waivers, traded to The Tentative Roster page for Encino Man, the latter of which has claimed the 1,502nd fully guaranteed Two ThouCentennial spot, whereas the former has subsequently been placed on The Farm Squad a.k.a. Section Two
  • The Disaster Artist was claimed off waivers, therefore giving it the 1,501st fully guaranteed Two ThouCentennial spot
  • The tentative guaranteed Two ThouCentennial spot that was revoked from Juwanna Mann has been awarded to Step Up 3, as the latter of those two movies passed its assessment
  • Two wording updates/corrections were applied to the How They Could Fare Against Vegas page
  • Following their assessments, Corporate Animals, Where The Red Fern Grows: Part II and New Blood were all placed in Tier 9
  • The current roster of movie assessments/re-assessments has once again updated via Murder At Yellowstone City and Poker Night both being added to Tier 12
  • The tentative guaranteed Two ThouCentennial spot was revoked from The Public Enemy has been awarded to Starship Troopers 2: Hero Of The Federation, as the latter of those two movies passed its assessment
  • After being in Tier 9 for almost two weeks, Kalamity was acquired by the Movie-Ocrity/Dishonorable Mention page

Well, that's all for now.

Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.

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